Do you ever feel like you’re never going to be able to afford a nice display for your Bakery's desserts, a puppy or that sweet flat screen TV? Well me too! It's so hard to build up your gems! Cooking each item over and over and over and over and over again, to eventually get 1 gem. Of course there is the option of paying for your gems, with REAL money... but honestly how many people really want to BUY silly little gems. Yeah it seems nice, but in the long run we would all be poor. Isn't it bad enough we get SO obsessed with this real time game that we wait for things to cook up to 2 days? I wish that TeamLava, LLC would make it so that gems could be just a bit easier to earn, the free way that is... Take a look below at the cost of gems, it gets all the way up to $149.99, granted you do get 900 but that's just ridiculous! I know developers need to make money, but really? And then they let you buy coins with your gems, now come on; gems are just too precious and expensive to be buying coin with them... At the cost of gems and the effort we go through to earn them we should at least be getting a couple hundred coins along with our gems.